
Dr. Thor & Dr. Tuba present The Future of PRRT & The Team Approach

On January 14, 2018, Dr. Thor Halfdanarson and Dr. A. Tuba Kendi from Mayo Clinic Rochester presented to Northwoods NETS. Dr. Tuba, a radiologist from Mayo, has been fronting the Gallium-68 PET/MRI scan center that has been helping detect and diagnose neuroendocrine tumor patients. She is now at the forefront the PRRT (peptide receptor radionuclide therapy) at the Rochester clinic. Dr. Thor presented his vision for the newly designated Neuroendocrine

4th Focus on Neuroendocrine Tumors

On Friday, October 24th, Abramson Cancer Center and Caring for Carcinoid presented their 4th Focus on Neuroendocrine Tumors. If you were unable to attend or missed the live streaming event, you can watch the archived event online here. Presentations include: Upcoming Abramson Cancer Center Events Michal Greenberg Development, Abramson Cancer Center Management of NETs – Overview David Metz, MD; Debbie Cohen, MD Gastroenterology; Nephrology, Abramson Cancer Center The Changing Face of NETs Diagnosis and

Video presentation of Nancy Teixeira from Wren Labs on May 18, 2014

[embedplusvideo height=”400″ width=”584″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=0YfLOUS61pg&width=584&height=400&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1361″ /] On May 18th, 2014, Nancy Teixeira, administrator from Wren Labs, talked to Northwoods NETS to talk about their unique biomarker that helps detect neuroendocrine cells in the blood sooner than any other biomarker including Chromagranin A (CGA) or pancreastatin. Nancy is both a RN and a Carcinoid patient, so she is very knowledgeable about the disease. Download the Wren Labs Powerpoint Presentation –