
For many patients dealing with a neuroendocrine cancer diagnosis, the cost of paying for insurance premiums, deductibles, total out of pocket expenses and other miscellaneous expenses can be overwhelming. Here are a few resources to help you afford the care and treatment you deserve. Angel Flights This organization pairs patients with volunteers pilots to help patients travel for the care they need. Good Days Foundation This foundation works closely with

Video presentation of Nancy Teixeira from Wren Labs on May 18, 2014

[embedplusvideo height=”400″ width=”584″ editlink=”” standard=”″ vars=”ytid=0YfLOUS61pg&width=584&height=400&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1361″ /] On May 18th, 2014, Nancy Teixeira, administrator from Wren Labs, talked to Northwoods NETS to talk about their unique biomarker that helps detect neuroendocrine cells in the blood sooner than any other biomarker including Chromagranin A (CGA) or pancreastatin. Nancy is both a RN and a Carcinoid patient, so she is very knowledgeable about the disease. Download the Wren Labs Powerpoint Presentation –

People who are dealing with neuroendocrine tumors of any kind, be it PNET or carcinoid are prone to special complications that can arise during surgical procedures, even as simple as a root canal or a colonoscopy. These complications can cause the patient to go into carcinoid crisis, a very real and life threatening situation. Below are a list of recommendations that some of the NET experts tell anesthesiologists before working