
Below is a list of some of the doctors that Northwoods NETS members have consulted with. They are doctors that are relatively close to us geographically, but there are also other specialists in the U.S. Dr. Joseph Dillon Practicing at the University of Iowa, this specialist is geographically the nearest to us, so many of the Minnesota patients travel to see him. He is an endocrinologist that specializes in this rare

Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with carcinoid cancer, MEN-1 or another kind of a neuroendocrine tumor and are looking for more information? We are a diverse and proactive group whose mission is to support a high quality of life for neuroendocrine cancer survivors and caregivers in the Twin Cities metro of Minneapolis and St. Paul. You will find more resources and information about neuroendocrine cancers in our group

Checklist for the Newly Diagnosed This is a great list from the Carcinoid Cancer Foundation that all NET & Carcinoid patients need to review. Neuroendocrine Tumours Reference Guide for Patients and Families Developed by the Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumour Society of Canada, this patient-friendly handbook was developed to provide you with information and support as you confront and adapt to a neuroendocrine tumour (NET) diagnosis What you need to know about neuroendocrine tumors

About Us

Formed in 1999, Northwoods NETS is a patient support and advocacy group for those living with neuroendocrine tumor cancers including Carcinoid, Islet Cell, and MEN-1. While based in the Twin Cities, Northwoods NETS provides support, information, and awareness for patients and caregivers all over Minnesota, North and South Dakota and western Wisconsin. We currently meet monthly via Zoom every third Sunday in a month. See our events sidebar with a list