neuroendocrine tumor

Living with neuroendocrine cancer Tips for healthy living and well-being with neuroendocrine and carcinoid cancer. Injection sites for short-acting octreotide If you need a bump of short-acting octreotide, outside of your normal Sandostatin LAR shot, this page shows a handy chart to make it easier to rotate your injection sites. Medical ID Bracelets Looking for information about what carcinoid and neuroendocrine (NET) cancer patients should put on their medical ID

As patients living with neuroendocrine tumors and carcinoid cancers, we have different options to choose from. The pages below explore some of the options we have, living with a rare cancer. Monitoring Disease There are a number of ways that neuroendocrine tumors are monitored through imaging and bloodwork. Standard Treatment Options First line treatment options or standard treatment options for all neuroendocrine cancers including Carcinoid. Complementary Treatment Options These are

Below is a list of some of the doctors that Northwoods NETS members have consulted with. They are doctors that are relatively close to us geographically, but there are also other specialists in the U.S. Dr. Joseph Dillon Practicing at the University of Iowa, this specialist is geographically the nearest to us, so many of the Minnesota patients travel to see him. He is an endocrinologist that specializes in this rare

CNETs Canada – Carcinoid Neuroendocrine Tumor Society of Canada Hosting a variety of conferences throughout Canada, this is a very pro-active and friendly group. They also have an online mailing list. PNET Support Community Inspire is a support community that is supported by many groups. It’s a good place to ask questions and connect with other PNET patients. Smart Patients A new community created by Carcinoid Cancer Foundation, the oldest

New web site for Northwoods NETs

We are pleased to welcome you to the new web site for Northwoods NETs, the Minnesota Carcinoid & Neuroendocrine Cancer Support Group. We will be developing more content over the summer, but, in the meantime, feel free to look around and utilize the link sites and certainly, drop in for one of our bi-monthly meetings.