neuroendocrine tumor

NET Cancer Awareness Ideas

This is a list of great ideas to help raise awareness in our communities that Lavonne Levar, one of our pancreatic neuroendocrine patients, has compiled. If you would like to add to the list, drop me a note at I will be glad to add on! Let’s keep the flow going! Bring a NET fact sheet to physicians, with something fun like Zebra balloons, or goodies of some kind wrapped

Results of the largest NET Patient Quality of Life Survey

Results from first global survey of neuroendocrine tumor (NET) patients reveal profound impact of this rare cancer on quality of life The International Neuroendocrine Cancer Alliance (INCA) and Novartis announced the quality-of-life results from the first global survey of patients with neuroendocrine tumors (NETs), a rare type of cancer. Nearly 2,000 patients from 12 countries completed the survey, which was a collaborative effort between INCA and Novartis. The results were

4th Focus on Neuroendocrine Tumors

On Friday, October 24th, Abramson Cancer Center and Caring for Carcinoid presented their 4th Focus on Neuroendocrine Tumors. If you were unable to attend or missed the live streaming event, you can watch the archived event online here. Presentations include: Upcoming Abramson Cancer Center Events Michal Greenberg Development, Abramson Cancer Center Management of NETs – Overview David Metz, MD; Debbie Cohen, MD Gastroenterology; Nephrology, Abramson Cancer Center The Changing Face of NETs Diagnosis and

PRESS RELEASE: Governor Dayton Proclaims November 10th NET CANCER DAY

NORTHWOODS NETS Welcome Press Release Contact: Dawn Marie Peterson Email: Phone: 612.314.9997 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 7:30 A.M. CST, October 11, 2014 GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON PROCLAIMS NOVEMBER 10, 2014 AS NET CANCER DAY MINNEAPOLIS, MN OCTOBER 11, 2014: Northwoods NETS is honored to announce that Governor Mark Dayton has signed a proclamation naming Sunday, November 10, 2013 as NET Cancer Day for the third year in a row. Worldwide,

Governor Dayton proclaims November 10th NET Cancer Day!

Northwoods NETS is honored to announce that Governor Mark Dayton has signed a proclamation naming Sunday, November 10, 2013 as NET Cancer Awareness Day for the third year in a row. Worldwide, November 10th is recognized by patients, medical professionals and advocacy groups to raise awareness for this rare, complex and frequently misdiagnosed form of cancer. It was pancreatic neuroendocrine cancer that claimed the life of entrepreneur Steve Jobs in