Rare Disease Infographic

While not specifically related to NETS, this Infographic puts the emphasis on rare diseases, which neuroendocrine cancers are classified. Sermo is an online physician social media and networking site. Check out their infographic to remind doctors that sometimes there are zebras amongst those horses.

Zebra Talk

Zebra Talk is a wonderful, patient-friendly guide on the world of neuroendocrine cancer. Featuring information and tips on navigating this disease from diagnoses to treatments. Below is a note from the editor, Suzi Garber. “This booklet is intended as a reference for those newly diagnosed with NETs, in the process, or hoping to explore this bewildering world. It is also a guide to resources that can empower patients through knowledge

Video presentation of Nancy Teixeira from Wren Labs on May 18, 2014

[embedplusvideo height=”400″ width=”584″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/Txp2YA” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/0YfLOUS61pg?fs=1″ vars=”ytid=0YfLOUS61pg&width=584&height=400&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=0&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=&notes=” id=”ep1361″ /] On May 18th, 2014, Nancy Teixeira, administrator from Wren Labs, talked to Northwoods NETS to talk about their unique biomarker that helps detect neuroendocrine cells in the blood sooner than any other biomarker including Chromagranin A (CGA) or pancreastatin. Nancy is both a RN and a Carcinoid patient, so she is very knowledgeable about the disease. Download the Wren Labs Powerpoint Presentation –

Wren Labs to Visit Northwoods NETS

Nancy Teixeira, who is a Carcinoid cancer patient, registered nurse and the Administrator/Nurse Clinician for Wren Laboratories, LLC will be presenting to Northwoods NETS on May 18th at Fairview Ridges Hospital in Burnsville, MN. She will begin her talk at 2pm, one hour before our normal support group meeting. Nancy has been living with the diease for over 18 years. Wren has developed an exciting state-of-the-art molecular biomarker test called the NETest that trends

Dr. Vargas Presents to Northwoods NETS - Video & Powerpoint

Northwoods NETS was extremely lucky to have Dr. Luciano Vargas from the University of Nebraska Medical Center present to us on March 9, 2014. He is part of a multi-disciplinary team that works specifically with patients living with neuroendocrine cancers. At 51:00 My first first camera’s battery died, so it was switched out to a mobile, handheld device. The video and audio quality changes, but it is still okay. Special