Buyer Beware: Surprise Medical Bills

An investigative report from KARE-11 explains how even if you do your research picking an insurance policy, your doctors, clinics and other medical team members may not be in your network or can drop out of the network without your knowledge…and there is nothing you can do about it.

National NET Patient Conference - 2016

The National NET Patient conference will be held Sept 22- 24th in New Orleans. There will be over 20 of the top specialist from around the country flying in to speak at the event. This is a 2-1/2 day event. Come join 600 or more of your fellow Zebras and families. Meet the people in person you have been talking to for years online. Nothing beats being in a room with people

Carcinoid Syndrome Impact Survey

We are excited to participate in the Carcinoid Syndrome Impact Survey, which is designed to help better understand the impact that carcinoid syndrome has on patient lives, while also exploring physicians’ approaches to treating the disease. This survey is groundbreaking in that it brings together the collective efforts of leading national and regional patient advocacy groups: Carcinoid Cancer Foundation (CCF) Neuroendocrine Cancer Awareness Network (NCAN) Neuroendocrine Tumor Research Foundation (NETRF) The Healing

Part Seven: Ten Weeks before Round Two | PRRT & Me

We stayed in Switzerland for a few days after my first round and that was fine. I didn’t really have any side effects, but, I was tired. The only real thing I noticed is that I was having some acid reflux, which I don’t normally have. Hindsight being 20/20, I would have rather just flew home right away and slept for a few days. It was very nice though, we

Part Six: Treatment Day Two & Three | PRRT & Me

Making it through Day One with little to no side effects felt like a massive accomplishment. Neither my roomie or I suffered any ill effects from the amino acids drip prior to the PRRT treatment. Some patients do, some patients don’t. It was a gorgeous, sunny day and we ate our breakfasts and were each brought down to imaging to have an octreoscan done. The doctor had told me prior