
Features on patients living with carcinoid and other neuroendocrine cancers.

Part Twelve: Where PRRT & Me part ways

In August, I went to see my specialist in Iowa City and was presented with terrible news. The lesions in my liver went to 5% tumor burden in January 2017 to 30% tumor burden in August 2017. PRRT was completely ineffective for me. (Or maybe it was effective and the results could have been worse.) But, my tumor activity was never this active prior to treatment. Doctor O’Dorisio told me

Part Eleven: In front of the eight ball

So, it’s been a ridiculously long time since I posted and for that, I am sorry. I meant to update in May as a one-year anniversary of my first round of treatment and I was still slogging through some side effects. If you remember from the last time, I posted about my third round of treatment being a doozy. It was, and maybe, still is. Let me explain. The double

Part Ten: Round Three was a doozy

I left for Europe a week earlier this time to visit Munich with my sister and Oktoberfest. It was actually her first ever trip to Europe and even though I did round two by myself, it was nice to have the company. We really only had two and a half days in Munich, one day at the festival, one day at Dachau Concentration Camp and the first half day to

Part Nine: Round Two Wrap Up | PRRT & Me

  It’s been a slow, sleepy summer… I’m eight weeks out from round two and happy to report, I am doing well. I won’t lie and say that it’s been all wine and roses the last few weeks. (Mmmm, wine and roses…) I have been *so* tired. The hammer came down during week two and my exhaustion really peaked at week four. It finally started leveling out about week six. I

Part Eight: Round Two - Dancing with Lu-177 | PRRT & Me

Woah! I wrote a few weeks ago and I thought I’d have plenty of time to blog before I went to Basel for round two and the time slipped away. I am already done with round two. My treatment date was less than six days ago and I am back home in the United States. I am going to detail out some pre-trip items before I launch into the actual treatment.