neuroendocrine cancer

Northwoods NETS is a growing 501(c)3 organization located in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. We serve our immediate state of Minnesota along with surrounding states that currently have no active support groups such as Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska and North and South Dakota. We have a number of initiatives that we are putting in place in 2017 and we could use your help! Special Event Volunteer: Someone who

Mindful Zebra: My Skin Is Telling Me What?

Hey, good looking, have you been noticing subtle changes with your skin? You might want to get your cute booty to the skin doctor ASAP. Patients living with neuroendocrine cancers including carcinoid are frequently familiar with two of the classic symptoms of the disease including flushing and diarrhea. Subtle, often unrecognized symptoms that are often associated with isolated benign diseases can sometimes run concurrent with patients living with neuroendocrine and carcinoid

Part Ten: Round Three was a doozy

I left for Europe a week earlier this time to visit Munich with my sister and Oktoberfest. It was actually her first ever trip to Europe and even though I did round two by myself, it was nice to have the company. We really only had two and a half days in Munich, one day at the festival, one day at Dachau Concentration Camp and the first half day to

Press Release | Governor Dayton Proclaims November 10 as NET Cancer Day 2016

NORTHWOODS NETS Minnesota Carcinoid and Neuroendocrine Cancer Support Contact: Dawn Marie Peterson 612.314.9997 PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release November 7, 2016 GOVERNOR MARK DAYTON PROCLAIMS NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AS NET CANCER AWARENESS DAY This NET Cancer Day is a very special one for survivor Dawn Marie Peterson, co-founder of the newly-formed Minnesota non-profit Northwoods NETS, an organization whose mission is to support a high quality of life for

Meet Dr. Thor Halfdanarson at our November 13th Meeting

Join us for our regularly scheduled support group meeting on November 13th and meet Dr. Thor Halfdanarson. This meeting takes place three days after NET Cancer Day and is our last for 2016. Dr. Thor will be giving an overview presentation on neuroendocrine tumors, what’s new and upcoming in treatments and diagnostics, and do a question and answer session with our patient community. Dr. Thor is a trained medical oncologist who